Games of the Last Decade Ranked – (Part 5)
Second verse, same as the first! It’s time to continue with our look back at the games that released in the last decade. As usual, if the game is on this list, it’s because it released sometime between January 1st, 2010 and December 31st, 2019, in addition to being a title that I have actually played. I apologize in advance if your favorite game didn’t make my list… now let’s get to it!
#50 – Mega Man 10

Playstation 3, Wii, XBOX 360
Release Date
March 1, 2010
I consider myself a pretty big Mega Man fan, and while many took issue with this title going back to the 8-bit roots along with Mega Man 9, I personally enjoyed this style choice. That being said, this title included Proto Man as a playable character in a mainline Mega Man game and I couldn’t have been happier with that decision. Otherwise, this game was your basic Mega Man game with old school run and gun action we’ve come to know and love from the blue bomber.
#49 – Retro City Rampage

Steam, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita, Playstation Portable, XBOX 360, Wii, Nintendo 3DS, iOS, Android
Release Date
October 9, 2012
Imagine Grand Theft Auto with a particular love of 80’s pop culture but it was put on the NES and you’ve got what is essentially Retro City Rampage. If you’re wanting a game that’s a nostalgia-inducing fever dream (but in a good way), then I strongly recommend giving this one a try.
#48 – The LEGO Movie Videogame

iOS, Steam, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita, XBOX 360, XBOX One
Release Date
February 7, 2014
The LEGO Movie was a film I adore greatly for so many reasons, with the main reason being that it’s LEGO. Naturally, I just had to get a copy of the movie tie in video game, and over-all I enjoyed this one. It’s not my personal favorite amongst the plethora of titles in this franchise, but it was a fun distraction for a few hours.
#47 – LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

iOS, Android, Steam, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita, XBOX 360, XBOX One
Release Date
October 22, 2013
You’re gonna be seeing a lot of LEGO games on this count down in case you couldn’t tell. While being heavily inspired by the MCU films, this LEGO game aimed to tell an original story set in the Marvel Universe. If you’re a fan of LEGO, Marvel, or even the MCU, I’d say this one is worth checking out.
#46 – Puyo Puyo Tetris

Steam, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita, XBOX One
Release Date
April 25, 2017
Ok, so this one I have mixed feelings on for a number of reasons. Now anyone who knows me personally could tell you just how much I love Tetris. Naturally, since this was the first Tetris title available on the Nintendo Switch, I just had to get it. That being said, there are some things that really bugs me about this game, and it has to do with the extra bonus content that I honestly just don’t care about. However, this game does include a basic local co-op Tetris mode that lets me play one on one against my friends, and for that reason alone is why I ranked this game as high as I did.
#45 – Ultimate Chicken Horse

Steam, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, XBOX One
Release Date
March 4, 2016
While not a game that I think controls particularly well, I’d be lying if I said I don’t get a good laugh when I play this game with friends and family. Even though it has a platforming focus, I feel anybody of any skill level is able to pick this title up and have a good time. This is a must-have for anybody wanting to look for a good party game for their next get together.
#44 – LEGO Batman 2

iOS, Android, Steam, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Wii U, Playstation 3, Playstation Vita, XBOX 360
Release Date
May 21, 2013
So I wasn’t a fan of the first LEGO Batman game, but looking back I’m honestly not sure why. I think it might have to do with the fact that I played it coming off of The Complete Saga and got a lot of “been there, done that” vibes with it. Either way, I just haven’t given it much of a chance, maybe I will someday. That being said, LEGO Batman 2 was the LEGO game to introduce many series staples, from full-blown voice acting to an open world environment. While I personally long for the days when they relying on no voice acting and slapstick comedy, I’d be lying if I said that this LEGO didn’t leave an impression on me.
#43 – LEGO Batman 3

iOS, Android, Steam, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita, XBOX 360, XBOX One
Release Date
November 11, 2014
This title took everything that I greatly enjoyed about LEGO Batman 2 and cranked it to 11. With tons of new locations to explore, loads of fan service, and collectibles for days, it’s easy to see why I greatly enjoy this game. While it didn’t break the mold in any meaningful way, I also didn’t need it to do that for me. While I am aware these games aren’t the most challenging and that they’re aimed at children, that honestly doesn’t matter to me. I play games to have fun, and I find LEGO games fun.
#42 – Rocksmith 2014 Edition

Steam, iOS, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, XBOX 360, XBOX One
Release Date
October 22, 2013
It should come as no surprise that I’m a gamer at heart, but what you might not know is my love for music. Rocksmith was a game that blew my mind with what it’s able to accomplish as a teaching tool. I’m someone that’s all about self-education, and this facilitated an itch I so desperately wanted to scratch. What this game essentially did was gamify elements of learning an instrument into a form factor that speaks to me personally. It took everything that I loved about Guitar Hero, and put it in a form factor that taught you a practical skill.
#41 – Job Simulator

HTC Vive, Playstation VR, Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest
Release Date
April 5, 2016
While being light on content, this is a game that will give you a good laugh for a few hours. This is also one of my go-to games I show people when they ask about trying out VR. It’s a simple title, but effective.