Games of the Last Decade Ranked – (Part 9)
Second verse, same as the first! It’s time to continue with our look back at the games that released in the last decade. As usual, if the game is on this list, it’s because it released sometime between January 1st, 2010 and December 31st, 2019, in addition to being a title that I have actually played. I apologize in advance if your favorite game didn’t make my list… now let’s get to it!
#10 – Ocarina of Time 3D

Nintendo 64, Nintendo 3DS
Release Date
June 19, 2011
Ocarina of Time is just about as iconic as they come. Many hold this title near and dear to their hearts, while others might feel it’s over hyped. Regardless of how you may feel, I think it’s safe to say that the 3DS port of this classic was one that was well done, much like the Majora’s Mask remake for the 3DS. And similar to Minecraft, this is a game that I feel it’s reputation speaks for itself.
#9 – Super Mario Maker

Wii U
Release Date
September 11, 2015
Super Mario Maker was one of those titles on the Wii U that really took advantage of what the hardware was capable of doing, it’s just unfortunate that it was originally made for a system that failed to meet expectations.
#8 – Super Mario Maker 2

Nintendo Switch
Release Date
June 28, 2019
On the flip side, Super Mario Maker 2 took what made the first one great and refined it. While it’s true that many elements and quirks from the first game are absent here, I’d say the overall user experience is a much more approachable one. It was the quality of life improvement the first one needed while sacrificing some features that honestly were never the reason people played the game to begin with. Now if only Nintendo would just resolve the lag in the online multiplayer….
#7 – Uncharted 4

Playstation 4
Release Date
May 10, 2016
Now I’m someone that prefers a game with excellent exploration over linear level design. A lot of times linear games are ridiculously easy in all the wrong ways and not super engaging to me due to their straight forward hallway design philosophy. This is were the Uncharted series stands out to me, with Uncharted 4 being my personal favorite. It was a linear game series that managed to hit all the right notes for me at the right times, and it also helps that 4 in particular had buttery smooth gameplay. Now I get that the shooting mechanics in this aren’t entirely realistic and Call of Duty snobs won’t even give this series a second glance. That’s fine and dandy because this is a game that’s clearly not made for them, it’s a game made for people like me and I can’t get enough of it.
#6 – Batman: Arkham Knight

Steam, Playstation 4, XBOX One
Release Date
June 23, 2015
So I’m sure I will get some flack for having this game as high on my list as I do, but I don’t care because I loved Batman Arkham Knight so much. Ok so the big plot twist was a tad predictable and the Batmobile combat wasn’t what everyone expect; here’s where I stand with this game. I didn’t care that the twist was predictable as long as the journey grabbed my attention, and it did. I didn’t care that the Batmobile outstayed it’s welcome, because personally I did find it fun. Now do I think it’s the greatest game of all time, hell no, there’s plenty of other games I’d give that title to over this. That being said did I enjoy the crap out of this game? That is a resounding YES!
#5 – Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

Playstation 3
Release Date
February 5, 2013
Sly Cooper is a series I’ve been playing since the beginning and is easily one of favorite game franchises of all time. Sly 3 initially left things off with a definitive conclusion that seemed as though that was it and we’d never see another entry in the series. Then fast forward several years later, and Sanzaru games (who are responsible for the Sly Cooper HD collection) took it upon themselves to make an official sequel to the franchise that also managed to reunite the old cast. While the ending was a tad divisive, I can’t deny that it easily features some of the best gameplay in the series today while giving it a sense of personality. I loved this game so much, and I hope we see a Sly 5 on the Playstation 5, even though there’s a good chance that won’t happen… but a guy can dream right?
#4 – Super Mario Odyssey

Nintendo Switch
Release Date
October 27, 2017
Super Mario Odyssey is the return to form 3D platforming adventure we’ve all been craving and begging Nintendo to make since Super Mario Sunshine. While not a particularly difficult Mario game, it boasted some of the best, most imaginative worlds we have ever since in a Mario game. And I can confirm that the game is just as fun on repeat playthroughs.
#3 – Breath of the Wild

Wii U, Nintendo Switch
Release Date
March 3, 2017
Oh Breath of the Wild, the Zelda game that easily took the longest to get released from the time that it was initially announced. Thankfully the game was an instant hit among the franchises hard core fans and was well worth the wait. That being said, I can’t help but wonder what the game would have been like if it stayed as a Wii U exclusive and came out earlier in the system’s life cycle. Like the number of licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop, the world may never know.
#2 – Axiom Verge

Steam, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita, XBOX One, Wii U, Nintendo Switch
Release Date
March 31, 2015
Those who know me personally know that Super Metroid is my favorite stand alone game of all time. I favor Super Metroid so much above all games that it’s not even worth putting it on a top 10 because of how obvious it is for me to put it on the list; it would be like making a top 10 worst games of all time and putting Superman 64 on there, it’s just no fun and painfully obvious. That being said, despite how much I love Super Metroid, there’s one thing out of the experience I can never get; Super Metroid can’t ever surprise me in the way it did the first time I played it. Enter Axiom Verge. This is a game that was heavily inspired by the Metroid series, so much so that it’s clearly proud of it and makes it incredibly obvious it’s inspired by Metroid. Why did I put Axiom Verge so high on my list? Well other than my personal bias’ I have for Metroidvanias to begin with, this is a game that did things I did not expect a game to do, and went into areas I thought I’d never see a game go; and I loved every minute of it. If you’re a fan of Metroidvanias and haven’t heard of this game or are choosing to skip this title, you’re seriously missing out. Also if you can, go into this game blind, you can thank me later.
#1 – Spider-Man

Playstation 4
Release Date
September 7, 2018
Which finally brings me to my number 1 pick from the last decade of releases… Spider-Man for the Playstation 4. For me, it was honestly kind of a given that I ended up loving this game as much as I did. It’s made by one of my favorite developers of all time, Spider-Man as a property is something I deeply cherish and have strong nostalgia tied to it, and it just about checks off every box in terms of what I look for in a game in regards to replayability, gameplay, and difficulty. It’s by no means a perfect game, but can there ever truly be a perfect game when they’re made by imperfect people? All that to say, Spider-Man was the Spider-Man game I have been waiting to play my whole life, and I’m so glad I’m living in a time where games like this are being released.
And on that note, that’ll wrap up this little count down for me today. As always, keep it right here on Galaxy of Geek, and don’t forget to check out Cade’s Arcade for more videos on all things video game related. Take care, and I will see you next time!