Does It Hold Up: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Quite often, movies, books, music, television shows, and other pieces of pop culture serve as a reflection of the time when they were made. Sometimes they are very much rooted in that time, and no longer feel relevant in the decades that follow. Occasionally, though, they maintain every ounce of the power they were infused with when they were first […]

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Great Moments in Cinema – An American Werewolf in London

Vampires and zombies may be all the rage these days, but for my money, it’s the werewolf that occupies the top spot in the monster pantheon (okay, maybe second place, right behind Godzilla…but that’s another editorial altogether).  Unfortunately, the number of good werewolf movies can be counted on one hand, and even then you wouldn’t have to use all of […]

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Great Moments in Cinema: Touch of Evil

Even though he was largely marginalized throughout his career, Orson Welles is nevertheless widely considered one of the best and most important directors in the history of cinema.  His first film, Citizen Kane (1941), is an influential masterpiece that spent the better part of 50 years occupying the top spot of the Sight and Sound poll of the greatest films […]

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Dr. Geek: Do Zombies Have Your Brains?

“They’re coming to get you, Barbara!” If you know that line, where it comes from, what the “they” are, then there’s a good chance you are a zombie fan.  If you’ve ever argued which is better, the slow zombie of George Romero fame or the fast zombie of Danny Boyle fame – or even which is the “real” zombie — […]

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Cinematic Soulmates: Man on Wire and Exit Through the Gift Shop

It’s documentary day here at Cinematic Soulmates.  Today we’re going to look at two movies that don’t appear to be all that similar, but are united by their subjects, both of whom are larger than life men who hail from France and set out to accomplish amazing things while presenting heightened versions of themselves to the world.  Now, before you […]

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