Dr. Geek: Just What Is a Superhero, Anyway?

In April I will be attending C2E2, the Chicago-based comic books, comix, graphic novels, and all around pop culture convention.  As a lead up to that event, which I’ll write about in this column, I thought I would delve into a topic that, while the scholars may be in agreement, fans the world over are not.  And that topic is: […]

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Review: Jurassic Park – The Game

  Life will find a way.  Whether you are referring to the constant biological urge all living things on the planet share to not only survive but to produce the next generation or the constant desire to milk a popular franchise for all it is worth, this statement rings true.  Jurassic Park is one of those franchises, even today there […]

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Cinematic Soulmates: Ghost World and American Splendor

When most people think of comic book movies, they tend to think of muscle bound men and sexy women strutting around in revealing spandex costumes, striking poses and pummeling one another within an inch of their lives.  However, there is another side to comic books, one that looks at the human condition through the lens of ordinary, everyday folks who […]

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Dr. Geek: The $6 Million Contact Lens: The Marrying of Cybernetics and Augmented Reality

You’re in the middle of Hyderabad, India, on the hottest day of the year.  You’re there for a business / pleasure trip, researching Bollywood culture for your book on globalized fandom.  You’re looking for the easiest way to get to Ramoji Film City, a Bollywood response to Disneyland.  You would ask someone, but your previous attempts at handling the region’s […]

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