Dr. Geek: Jesus Christ, Superhero?

With C2E2 almost set to launch from the McCormick Place in downtown Chicago, I wrap up my three part series on superheroes with this entry, in which I attempt to answer this question: do religious figures and the heroes of legend fall under the definition of “superheroes,” as outlined in part I? First, let’s look at the heroes of legend […]

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Dr. Geek: Superheroes Spanning the Globe

As a lead up to the Chicago pop culture extravaganza that is C2E2 (where I will be officially stalking John Barrowman, Val Kilmer, and John Cusack), I started a series in my last article that focuses on one of the current driving forces in American pop culture: superheroes.  In the previous article, I focused on working out just what exactly […]

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Dr. Geek: Just What Is a Superhero, Anyway?

In April I will be attending C2E2, the Chicago-based comic books, comix, graphic novels, and all around pop culture convention.  As a lead up to that event, which I’ll write about in this column, I thought I would delve into a topic that, while the scholars may be in agreement, fans the world over are not.  And that topic is: […]

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Review: Jurassic Park – The Game

  Life will find a way.  Whether you are referring to the constant biological urge all living things on the planet share to not only survive but to produce the next generation or the constant desire to milk a popular franchise for all it is worth, this statement rings true.  Jurassic Park is one of those franchises, even today there […]

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