Dr. Geek: Jesus Christ, Superhero?

With C2E2 almost set to launch from the McCormick Place in downtown Chicago, I wrap up my three part series on superheroes with this entry, in which I attempt to answer this question: do religious figures and the heroes of legend fall under the definition of “superheroes,” as outlined in part I? First, let’s look at the heroes of legend […]

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Dr. Geek: Superheroes Spanning the Globe

As a lead up to the Chicago pop culture extravaganza that is C2E2 (where I will be officially stalking John Barrowman, Val Kilmer, and John Cusack), I started a series in my last article that focuses on one of the current driving forces in American pop culture: superheroes.  In the previous article, I focused on working out just what exactly […]

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Dr. Geek: Just What Is a Superhero, Anyway?

In April I will be attending C2E2, the Chicago-based comic books, comix, graphic novels, and all around pop culture convention.  As a lead up to that event, which I’ll write about in this column, I thought I would delve into a topic that, while the scholars may be in agreement, fans the world over are not.  And that topic is: […]

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