I survived a trip to L.A. and all I got was OH MY GOD E3!

  E3 is the dream conference in the eyes of a gamer.  In that magical land of sack boys and blue hedgehogs you’re treated to all of the upcoming games and consoles.  A lot of us have to experience it through the warm, comforting glow of a computer screen.  However, some fortunate souls get to step through the doors of […]

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In Depth: The 10 Ways Indie Developers Fail to Market Their Game

No matter what format, what system or what game you are developing for, there are certain things that can doom your game regardless of how good or bad it is from the start.  While this article is written with a focus on XBLIG’s, much of these apply to any indie game developer looking to make a dollar off of their […]

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Dr. Geek: Treating Video Games like Cigarettes

Every so often, it seems another politician seeks to spend his or her political capital on an endeavor aimed at curtailing video games.  In the 1990s, such endeavors led to the formation of the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) and the rating labels for video and computer games.  After the formation of such a self-regulatory system, companies and states have sought […]

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St. Patrick’s Day Special 2012: Ten More Games to Drink to

It’s that time of year again, a time when we drown ourselves in green beer and make long lasting, life altering mistakes all in honor of St. Patrick.  Who did something important, possibly inventing alcohol?  Whatever his accomplishments, all that matters is that it is now a day of celebration; but mostly getting passed out on the front lawn drunk […]

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10 Games We Want to See (or See Done Right)

Sometimes video games that shouldn’t be made are, and almost as often games that should be aren’t.  In an era of gaming dominated by modern war, WWII, Gears of Halos and movie tie-ins there are plenty of genre’s, eras and even properties that would make for great games being completely overlooked (or in some cases half-assed).  Which is why we’ve […]

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Dr. Geek: The Next Generation of Video Game Consoles

What was the first video game console system you played on?  Was it a PlayStation 2?  A Sega Dreamcast?  A Super Nintendo Entertainment System?  An Atari 2600?  A Magnavox Odyssey? In 1972, Magnavox released the Odyssey as the first computer system built to connect to a television set in order to allow people to play digital games in the comfort […]

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In Depth: What GameStop did Wrong (The Deus Ex – Onlive Scandal)

The gaming community is still taking in the news of just what exactly happened in GameStop store’s all across the country this week, and the bad press seems to only be building.  It appears that Deus Ex: Human Revolution developer Square Enix and digital distributor OnLive made a last minute agreement to include a digital (OnLive) copy of the Deus […]

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Underrated Game of the Month: Goldeneye Rogue Agent

Like car keys, stray dogs and socks after you put them in the dryer, some video games simply get lost in the shuffle.  Sometimes they were just released at the wrong time, eclipsed by a much bigger game, or a surprise chart topper.  Sometimes they just had bad marketing, or too many misconceived ideas about the game spread by word […]

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In-Depth: Is DLC Ruining Gaming?

Frequent readers of the site know that we typically save Wednesdays for reviews, but this week is special.  For a couple of weeks I had been toying around with the idea of writing an article about console exclusive DLC for multi-platform games; then the Battlefield 3 pre-order DLC news broke.  Sometimes the timing even coincides with a thought and this […]

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Underrated Game of the Month: Blur

Like lost toys, the half a pizza with pineapple and children on a field trip without a buddy, some video games simply get left behind.  Sometimes they were just released at the wrong time, eclipsed by a much bigger game or a surprise chart topper.  Sometimes they just had bad marketing, or too many misconceived ideas about the game spread […]

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