Countdown to Avengers Endgame: The Incredible Hulk

Countdown to Avengers Endgame: The Incredible Hulk

For as long as people have been ranking Marvel movies there have been two constants. Thor: The Dark World and The Incredible Hulk can be counted to round out the bottom of that list. Often viewed as Marvel’s black sheep of the MCU, is this earned or is The Incredible Hulk simply a victim of Marvel’s only re-casting of a lead actor and a weird web of distribution rights?

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[Replayability Review] Batman: Arkham Asylum – Should We Return to Arkham?

Hello, and welcome back to Galaxy of Geek for another review from Cade’s Arcade, I’m Cade! Today I’m gonna be taking a look at the hugely popular title Batman: Arkham Asylum for the PlayStation 4. This of course is the remastered port of the critically acclaimed original released for the 7th generation of consoles on August 25th, 2009 by Rocksteady […]

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SKULLGIRLS Limited Edition Physical Release on Switch!

Originally released during the PS3/Xbox 360 generation, Skullgirls is a fun fighting game that has had a long life that seems to be continuing through a release on the Nintendo Switch. That’s really cool, but what peaked my interest is the limited edition physical release from the company that makes The Walking Dead and Invincible. Skybound has been dabbling in […]

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