Film Review: Delivery Man (2013) – Ridiculous Concept, Well Executed

Vince Vaughn has been a stand out character in many memorable films (Old School, Anchorman and Zoolander to name a few) and a solid co-star (Swingers, Wedding Crashers) but has struggled to really prove he can be the star of the show. Dodgeball for instance, probably his best prior example as the leading man, had a huge (and fantastic) supporting […]

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First Impressions: Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!

Ad·ven·ture. Noun. Aimlessly plodding through eventless dungeon after eventless dungeon.

First Impressions is a close look at the crucial first hour spent with a game and its’ ability to draw you in or turn you away. Somewhere between a review and a preview. Ugh, the dirge of licensed titles. History has, unfortunately, shown us that no studio, no creator and no IP is exempt from half-hearted attempts to cash in […]

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Hands on Preview (Literally): The New Xbox One Controller

Let’s be honest here for a moment, just plain brutally honest. No fan boy nonsense or otherwise. The Xbox has had a bumpy road with their controller. Starting out on the original Xbox with a controller that was roughly the size of an iPad or small computer, Microsoft went on to design the clear stand-out controller for the last (current?) […]

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Review: Mario and Luigi: Dream Team

Poor Luigi. Despite his lithe physique, vibrant green coveralls and a much better coifed mustache than his genetic counterpart, he was relegated to “little bro” status from the get-go. With Nintendo proclaiming 2013 the “Year of Luigi,” you’d think the guy would finally get a break (well, besides the phenomenal Luigi’s Mansion), but no matter how incredibly fun Mario & […]

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Film Review: Philomena – Brilliantly acted and surprisingly witty

Philomena isn’t the type of film that American moviegoers are going to flock to the theaters to see. Judi Dench as someone other than “M” in a movie with a funny name starring a bunch of British people that aren’t James Bond. What’s that Philomena? I’m sorry, American audiences couldn’t hear you over the sound of Thor. Thing is, Philomena […]

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