Film Review: Eddie The Sleepwalking Cannibal – Dreams do come true

Creating anything can be difficult, but for the painter Lars (Thure Lindhart), creating his masterpiece, his Mona Lisa, has taken him nearly ten years of blank canvases and frustration. Giving up hope that he can repeat his previous success, he leaves Denmark and settles on a teaching job for a struggling art school in a small snowy town in Canada. […]

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Review: Aliens: Colonial Marines – We should know better by now…

There were some reasons to have hope for Aliens: Colonial Marines. Despite the fact that Sega’s name was attached to it, despite the fact that there hadn’t been a genuinely good first person Aliens game in years, despite the troubled development process… ok, so maybe there was only one real reason to be hopeful

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Dr. Geek: Smart Clothes and Cybernetic Fashions

One of my favorite movies of all time is Robert Zemeckis’ Back to the Future.  When I was young, the movie blew me away, and I had a total crush on Michael J. Fox.  I even tried to conceptualize how to make the flight conversion on cars work, and sent a letter to the President of the United States with my […]

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Dr. Geek: iPope, or When Religions Meet the Internet

Where were you when you heard the news?  That the white smoke had been sighted over the Sistine Chapel.  That the bells of  St. Peter’s Basilica rang out, to be joined by other chapel bells around Rome.  When Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, of the Jesuit order, greeted the gathered masses and begin his life as Pope […]

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OUYA Wines and Dines Chicago Developers

At an event in Chicago organized by the Chicago chapter of the International Game Developers Association, OUYA Founder and CEO Julie Uhrman met with local game developers to sell them on developing games for the new console system, as well as get the developers’ feedback and ideas for how to develop the system to better serve their needs and desires. […]

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Dr. Geek: The Corporate Coup Over Copyright Infringement

Because they were not getting their way with the government, the major communication corporations that serve as the primary Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the country have taken matters into their own hands to curtail the spread of pirated content.  In a move that flies in the face of net neutrality, and is a response to the life and death […]

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