Dr. Geek: Getting to Know the Nintendo Wii U

One of the first posts I wrote for CBR addressed the next gen — 8th generation — video game consoles.  At the time, a whole year ago, all we knew for certain was the next gen coming from Nintendo, the Wii U.  Anything on Sony and Microsoft’s updates to their respective PlayStation and Xbox offerings were purely speculative.  Since then, […]

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Cinematic Soulmates: Yojimbo and A Fistful of Dollars

Remakes (or reimaginings, reboots, etc) seem to be all the rage in Hollywood these days, but this phenomenon has been occurring within the realm of cinema for a long time.  Most of the time, remakes are pointless and don’t bring anything new or interesting to the table, thus alienating fans of the original work while simultaneously failing to bring new […]

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Dr. Geek: Google to Play Hollywood’s Game

Once upon a time, when Web 2.0 was new, there was an online platform that people could use to share videos they made of their cats playing piano, their children reacting to dentists’ drugs, and their renditions of the history of dance.  And that platform was good, as it gave anyone the chance to have their 15 seconds of fame […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 31 – Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice – Ultimate backlog material

Dear Journal, Today I finished Backlog Quest II by throwing myself into harm’s way to protect The President of the United States of America. I say that Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice is “ultimate backlog material” because it is that game you’ve probably see on the budget/value rack a dozen or so times and just never picked up. It never really […]

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Backlog Quest II – Sidequest: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Dear Journal, Today I journeyed to the land of Middle Earth. Although, it was not easy to get there. I had originally planned to play this on the Playstation 2, but after going through the fourth controller that did not work for some reason or another, I went ahead and found a copy for the Gamecube. I have had this […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 30 – Asphalt 3D – Better than expected?

Dear Journal, Today I played a game that didn’t seem THAT bad but we’ve all heard horrible things about. Asphalt 3D is interesting in that it is actually a 3DS port of a iOS game originally designed for iPhones and the like and used as one of Ubisoft’s launch titles for the 3DS.  I usually try to stay clear of […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 28 – Kung Fu Panda 2 (Kinect) – Wax off

Dear Journal, Today I learned that I may never learn my lesson. Kung Fu Panda 2 isn’t the first absolutely awful Kinect based movie-tie-in game I’ve played, it’s not even the first I’ve reviewed in Backlog Quest 2, but things were just a tiny bit different with this one. Unlike Ice Age: Continental Drift, where I had little to no […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 28 – Aliens: Infestation – Kills bugs dead

Dear Journal, Today I killed some Xenomorphs with some of the toughest hombre’s this side of Jupiter. Aliens: Infestation is another game that ties into a movie made in the 80’s, taking place shortly after the events of the Aliens film.  A group of Marines are sent to the Sulaco to investigate what happened to the crew, as well as […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 27 – Top Gun: Hard Lock – Insert joke about the Danger Zone

Dear Journal, Today I got all sorts of caught up in the danger zone. Also, I flew a plane. The only thing worse than a movie-tie-in game is a movie-tie-in game made for a movie that came out over twenty years ago right?  Well, normally one would be inclined to agree (though I have hopes for Aliens: Colonial Marines), and […]

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