Backlog Quest II: Day 25 – Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends – Needs more testing

Dear Journal, Today I got to drive some of the most iconic cars in Ferrari’s history. Sadly it was mostly downhill after that.  Truth be told, up front right now, Ferrari Racing Legends shook me off pretty quickly and I didn’t complete the game’s story mode. It has a really solid idea behind it, but awkward controls and a very […]

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Great Moments in Cinema: Hellboy II: The Golden Army

In cinema, as in all art, sublime beauty can sometimes be found hidden within the most unlikely of places.  Such is the case with Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008).  Directed by Guillermo del Toro, the film is ostensibly little more than a pulpy, fun, and imaginative superhero film, but it nevertheless contains one of the most heartbreaking and breathtakingly […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 24 – The Trash Pack – Appropriately named

Dear Journal, Today I played the one of the biggest waste of money released for the 3DS (so far). Originally priced at $29.99, The Trash Pack video game is a tie-in to all those Trash Pack toys you’ve probably seen in stores or possibly the obsession of some mini-person in your life. A collection of mini-games really, The Trash Pack […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 23 – Captain America: Super Soldier (NDS) – Light on the super

Dear Journal, Today I fought for truth, justice and the American way. Captain America: Super Soldier is a pretty standard 2.5D side-scrolling beat em’ up that draws comparisons to classic 2D games of the same type. You fight a horde of mindless enemy soldiers and the occasional boss through a series of rooms in a very elaborate German castle. At […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 22 – Apache Air Assault – Black Hawk (Game) Down

Dear Journal, Today I played a game that was one part flight sim, one part arcade shooter, and less than one part fun. Apache Air Assault is one of those games that kind of falls between the gaps because it was mostly meant as a gap filler. It’s a niche game. The market for semi-flight attack helicopter sim arcade shooters […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 21 – Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion – 90’s kid at heart

Dear Journal, Today I rescued most of Disney’s famous characters from an evil witch. Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion is sort of a sequel to the classic Castle of Illusion game, as well as a sequel to Epic Mickey: Power of Two. Mickey has been called to a castle in order to save Minnie, a castle that is vaguely familiar […]

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Backlog Quest II – Sidequest: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine – Gears of War(hammer)

Dear Journal, Today I played a Gears of War game set in the Warhammer 40k universe. Shortly after its release, I heard a lot of good things about Space Marine but with the abundance of higher profile titles I never got around to buying it.  When it popped up as a freebie on Playstation Plus, I knew the time was […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 20 – Medal of Honor: Warfighter – Don’t tread on me

Dear Journal, Today I saved the world from some smelly terrorist. In discussing the previous Medal of Honor I made the comparison more than once that Call of Duty was like any of Michael Bay’s many explosion filled films where as MOH was more along the lines of Saving Private Ryan or The Hurt Locker. Yes, there is action and […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 19 – Ice Age: Continental Drift – Arctic Games – Unevolved

Dear Journal, Today I played a game that was literally painful. Ice Age: Continental Drift – Artic Games is more than just a mouthful of subtitles; it’s pure unadulterated garbage. Bad motion controls, poor game design and horribly dated graphics make up this obvious and pathetic cash grab. You can read on if you’d like, but know that it doesn’t […]

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