Dr. Geek: The Fractured Nature of Fandoms

Here we are in the United States of America, having just gotten past yet another July 4th holiday weekend, where you are required to show your official fandom as being an American patriot through draping yourself and your belongings with the flag, eating and drinking as much as you can with the people you love, and crowing over the explosions […]

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Dr. Geek: The Indie World of Chicagoland

At the C2E2 extravaganza that was last weekend, there were panels on the game development industry in the Chicago area. These panels ostensibly had two roles: to let the con-goers know that yes, there is a game development industry still around in Chicago, and to discuss just what that industry currently looks like. What also emerged from the panels were […]

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Dr. Geek: Jesus Christ, Superhero?

With C2E2 almost set to launch from the McCormick Place in downtown Chicago, I wrap up my three part series on superheroes with this entry, in which I attempt to answer this question: do religious figures and the heroes of legend fall under the definition of “superheroes,” as outlined in part I? First, let’s look at the heroes of legend […]

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Dr. Geek: Superheroes Spanning the Globe

As a lead up to the Chicago pop culture extravaganza that is C2E2 (where I will be officially stalking John Barrowman, Val Kilmer, and John Cusack), I started a series in my last article that focuses on one of the current driving forces in American pop culture: superheroes.  In the previous article, I focused on working out just what exactly […]

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