The Warped Shelf – The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

With Steve gone, who or what are Sam and Bucky supposed to fight over now? Turns out, a lot. We discuss the latest Disney+ series.
Read moreWith Steve gone, who or what are Sam and Bucky supposed to fight over now? Turns out, a lot. We discuss the latest Disney+ series.
Read moreFollowing our anime episode, we have another installment to help you get cut your teeth on comics.
Read moreDespite the massive roster of characters appearing in this film it is still ultimately Captain America’s story. Using the frame work of The Sokovia Accords and his relationship with Bucky/The Winter Soldier, Cap finds himself having to choose between doing what’s right and what’s legal as well as protecting a friend, even if the person he is protecting them from is also a friend. In typical Cap fashion he of course refuses the path of least resistance. […]
Read moreHere’s the thing though about middle chapters, and Avengers: Age of Ultron should absolutely be thought of as the middle chapter, it’s hard to properly judge it until you have seen where it was going. […]
Read moreCaptain America: The Winter Soldier is a political spy thriller with super heroes. In hindsight it seems like an obvious choice but many questioned if Marvel could even do anything interesting with Captain America in a solo film post WWII. […]
Read moreThe Avengers was a massive event at the time. Even people who had only shown a little interest in the Marvel films up to this point lined up to see The Avengers assemble for the first time on film. […]
Read moreCaptain America is a character that no other studio but Marvel Studios could have ever gotten so right; Marvel understood that Steve’s true super power wasn’t running fast or hitting hard, it was his character. […]
Read moreDear Journal, Today I fought for truth, justice and the American way. Captain America: Super Soldier is a pretty standard 2.5D side-scrolling beat em’ up that draws comparisons to classic 2D games of the same type. You fight a horde of mindless enemy soldiers and the occasional boss through a series of rooms in a very elaborate German castle. At […]
Read moreDear Journal, Today I pretended I was Iron Man and also got a little bit of a work out. The Avengers: Battle for Earth is one of the newer games to make it into my backlog, and as anyone with a backlog will tell you, not all games spend as much time there. Still sort of hopped up on The […]
Read moreOver the last decade and change, movie goers have been overwhelmed by a deluge of superhero movies. Most of them have been good to great, while others are best forgotten altogether. At any rate, it’s a good time to be a comic book fan who also happens to love movies. While Bryan Singer’s seminal X-Men flick is usually considered to […]
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