The Warped Shelf Reacts to Superman Teaser Trailer

Frank and Deshawn sit down to blind react and analyze the Superman Trailer
Read moreFrank and Deshawn sit down to blind react and analyze the Superman Trailer
Read moreThe Warped Shelf – Dark Night and Mask of the Phantasm Merry Christmas and Happy 30th to the first theatrical animated Batman film. We’re talking this and Paul Dini’s comic book autobiography for a rounded discussion about this movie and what it and the people who made it mean to us. Episode #153
Read moreIn the first of two minisodes to tide you guys over, we’re having a comic book discussion about the latest Earth One graphic novels with a certain pilot in green spandex. How does this separate itself from the others as well as the shadow of Geoff Johns looming over it? Episode #138
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Read moreTime for another comic book deep dive with the first half of Brian K. Vaughan’s and Pia Guerra’s iconic series. Episode #115
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Read moreOur first two-parter! This week we’re covering Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and the adaptation directed by Zack Snyder. Next week will be Doomsday Clock and the HBO series. Episode #71
Read moreIn the calm before the storm, we’re doing another laid back episode. We talk about what we’ve played, watched, and somehow get on large tangents about Marvel and Jurassic Park. Episode #66
Read moreIt’s been a while since our last Batman discussion and Frank has jumped on the HBO Max train, so we’re talking about the former DC Universe Original, starring everyone’s favorite Timm and Dini creation. Episode #59
Read moreThe Warped Shelf – Wonder Woman 1984 HBO Max gave us a Christmas present and like the spoiled brats we are, we have varied thoughts on it. Today we not only talk about the anticipated sequel, but what this might mean for movies going forward. Episode #56 New Intro music by GuaptheGuru
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