The Warped Shelf – Zack Snyder’s Justice League
The fabled Snyder Cut is at last upon us, and as advocates for the DCEU up until this point, what do we take away from it? Episode #68
Read moreThe fabled Snyder Cut is at last upon us, and as advocates for the DCEU up until this point, what do we take away from it? Episode #68
Read moreIt’s been a while since our last Batman discussion and Frank has jumped on the HBO Max train, so we’re talking about the former DC Universe Original, starring everyone’s favorite Timm and Dini creation. Episode #59
Read moreFollowing our anime episode, we have another installment to help you get cut your teeth on comics.
Read moreAmong a pile of what-if stories surrounding Superman and his origin, we discuss what separates Mark Millar’s soviet retelling from the rest, and how the animated film translates these ideas.
Read moreBeware, thar be Aquaman spoilers (and some nautical puns) ahead. Aquaman has finally landed in theaters and has brought the most colorful/fun DCEU experience to date. While I’ve outlined or general thoughts of the film already, I wanted to dive in a bit deeper and discuss the film in greater detail than possible in a spoiler free review. Consider yourself […]
Read moreAquaman has made quite the splash financially but as is evident from the Transformers franchise, ticket sales does not a good movie make. So is Aquaman deserving of all the success or is it simply the among the best of the bad in the DCEU benefiting from a lack of theatrical competition?
Read moreI didn’t start reading superhero comics until the 1990s. In fact, I didn’t get interested in superheroes at all until after the animated series for The X-Men and Batman. I vaguely recall the Superfriends cartoon (and notice that I make a difference in calling it a cartoon), but if you remember it or have ever seen it, then you’ll probably […]
Read moreAs a lead up to the Chicago pop culture extravaganza that is C2E2 (where I will be officially stalking John Barrowman, Val Kilmer, and John Cusack), I started a series in my last article that focuses on one of the current driving forces in American pop culture: superheroes. In the previous article, I focused on working out just what exactly […]
Read moreIn April I will be attending C2E2, the Chicago-based comic books, comix, graphic novels, and all around pop culture convention. As a lead up to that event, which I’ll write about in this column, I thought I would delve into a topic that, while the scholars may be in agreement, fans the world over are not. And that topic is: […]
Read moreAdmit it, everyone at some point in their life wanted to have super powers. What would you choose? Would you fly? Command the elements? Use super-human strength? Well you need not wonder anymore, as DC Comics along with Sony and WB Games allows you to immerse yourself in the DC Universe (DCUO). The game starts off with a rather intense […]
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