The Warped Shelf – Ginger Snaps

Today on the show: Werewolves! We discuss the cult hit Ginger Snaps as well as what makes werewolf stories work and why there are so few classics of this subgenre. Episode #97
Read moreToday on the show: Werewolves! We discuss the cult hit Ginger Snaps as well as what makes werewolf stories work and why there are so few classics of this subgenre. Episode #97
Read moreZombie movies are tough sell for us, so what makes a great example of the subgenre and why did this South Korean film make waves upon release? Let’s talk about it. Episode #96
Read moreToday it’s a free-for-all. We’re talking Mortal Kombat ’95 vs. Mortal Kombat Legends vs. Mortal Kombat ’21. It’s all peaks and valleys and some anger on this episode. We got things to say.
Read moreWith Steve gone, who or what are Sam and Bucky supposed to fight over now? Turns out, a lot. We discuss the latest Disney+ series.
Read moreOur first two-parter! This week we’re covering Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and the adaptation directed by Zack Snyder. Next week will be Doomsday Clock and the HBO series. Episode #71
Read moreFollowing our Nolan specific episode, we talk about what may be his most polarizing film to date. Episode #63 Our Nolan specific episode is here –
Read moreAs the HBO Max initiative continues, it gives us free rein to discuss new movies. Today is about the psychological thriller vehicle starring Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, and Jared Leto. How does it stack up? Episode #60
Read moreThe Warped Shelf – The Filthy and the Casual: Subtitle After a slew of holiday episodes and pre-determined topics, we’re doing the first laid back episode in a while. Metroid, HBO, Jump Force, the works.
Read moreThe Warped Shelf – Wonder Woman 1984 HBO Max gave us a Christmas present and like the spoiled brats we are, we have varied thoughts on it. Today we not only talk about the anticipated sequel, but what this might mean for movies going forward. Episode #56 New Intro music by GuaptheGuru
Read moreThe Warped Shelf – Tokyo Godfathers On this holiday episode, we tackle an overlooked gem that one of us has continued to praise as one of the best Christmas movies: Satoshi Kon’s Tokyo Godfathers. Episode #54 Video version –
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