Backlog Quest: Day 17 – Darkest of Days – Best if read in Arnold voice

Dear Journal, Today history came alive! And then I shot it! I’d be a bold face liar if I said I hadn’t ever though about time traveling back to the days of ancient Rome with an assault rifle. Where my advanced weaponry would make me king.  Darkest of Days finally let me live out this brief, sociopathic fantasy if but […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 7 – Bodycount – Let the expectations hit the floor

Dear Journal, Today I… well really I just played a very mediocre shooter. That’s what I did. Once when I was on a message board, probably CAG, someone said (in reference to Bodycount) that “Codemasters doesn’t make bad games!”  They of course were being sarcastic, because the truth is that Codemasters hasn’t had a lot of successes lately.  Bodycount offered […]

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Review: Singularity

Singularity is a FPS with a twist; that twist is time travel and manipulation.  The hero of the game is a Special Forces soldier sent to an abandoned soviet era research facility located on an isolated island.  What he finds is an anomaly caused by the research materials used there that sends him back in time.  Unknowingly he saves a […]

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