Indie Game Review: Battlepaths (PC, XBLIG)

Battlepaths is a lighthearted 2D turn-based RPG in which you explore a vast world, gathering treasure, leveling up, and battling baddies along the way.  Sounds fun, right?  It is…for a while. Starting Battlepaths for the first time, you’re given the opportunity to create a new character with a focus on one of five characteristics (power, mind, agility, damage, and balanced).  […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 13 – The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

Dear Journal, Today my companions and I set forth on an epic quest to rid the north of an enemy that sought to make war against the people of Middle Earth. I had heard some not-so-good things about Lord of the Rings: War in the North when it first launched, but a few updates later and I really can’t see […]

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