Review: Mutant Roadkill – Drive like a bat out of hell!

Buckle up and keep your hands and arms in the vehicle at all times! Mutant Roadkill, by Glu Mobile, as many will say is just another rip-off of Temple Run.  But seriously, how long ago was Sonic the HedgeHog around doing the same damn thing, but without being chased?  Temple Run is nothing new.  Just something new to our addictive […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 16 – X-Men: Destiny

Dear Journal, Today I took a trip down a rather serious path of bigotry and hatred towards others, a social commentary on race and the other superficial divisions we as a people create between each other. Just kidding, I actually just played X-Men: Destiny for about five hours and kind of hated it. The concept of the game is that […]

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