Backlog Quest: Day 7 – Bodycount – Let the expectations hit the floor

Dear Journal, Today I… well really I just played a very mediocre shooter. That’s what I did. Once when I was on a message board, probably CAG, someone said (in reference to Bodycount) that “Codemasters doesn’t make bad games!”  They of course were being sarcastic, because the truth is that Codemasters hasn’t had a lot of successes lately.  Bodycount offered […]

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In Depth: The 10 Ways Indie Developers Fail to Market Their Game

No matter what format, what system or what game you are developing for, there are certain things that can doom your game regardless of how good or bad it is from the start.  While this article is written with a focus on XBLIG’s, much of these apply to any indie game developer looking to make a dollar off of their […]

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Review: They Breathe – A Breath of Fresh Air

They Breathe is ultimately a game about swimming to the bottom of a mysterious body of water and avoiding the various obstacles that stand in your way.  That is seriously underselling it though.  In fact, They Breathe is hard to describe, not because the game is overly complicated or even atypical (though it is atypical), but because in giving away […]

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Hands on Preview: Confrontation (PC)

For those of you who love tactical RPG’s that combine the feeling of Diablo and Warhammer, your opus may have just arrived.  Confrontation, a tactical RPG developed by Cyanide Studios, brings you directly into the fantasy universe of Aarklash.  It is here that a fierce campaign is waged between the heroic Griffin faction, the insidious Scorpion faction, the ferocious Wolf […]

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Review: Jurassic Park – The Game

  Life will find a way.  Whether you are referring to the constant biological urge all living things on the planet share to not only survive but to produce the next generation or the constant desire to milk a popular franchise for all it is worth, this statement rings true.  Jurassic Park is one of those franchises, even today there […]

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Review: The Darkness II

Jackie Estacado is carrying a dark secret deep inside him, literally.  Since before the beginning of time, before there was light there was simply The Darkness and The Darkness doesn’t much care for the light. Able to inhabit only one being, one family line, The Darkness grants unimaginable power to the host in exchange for control.  Once The Darkness has […]

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Review: DC Universe Online

Admit it, everyone at some point in their life wanted to have super powers.  What would you choose?  Would you fly?  Command the elements?  Use super-human strength?  Well you need not wonder anymore, as DC Comics along with Sony and WB Games allows you to immerse yourself in the DC Universe (DCUO).  The game starts off with a rather intense […]

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