Indie Games Uprising III Review: Sententia – Stick and Stones…

The Indie Games Uprising III continues onto its 2nd game, Sententia by Michael Hicks or Michael Arts, if you prefer.  A colorful platformer/puzzle game that takes on the very difficult task of making a game about growing up (and this isn’t no Zelda – transporting into the future and suddenly being an adult type of growing up either).  Ultimately, Sententia […]

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Indie Games Uprising III Review: QRTH-PHYL – What’s old is new again

The Indie Games Uprising III has begun. As a community, the developers of the XBLIG scene have banded together to unite under a common banner, to stand shoulder to shoulder and scream loud enough that even the most aloof gamer might hear them.  In that spirit, together, they have chosen to start by chanting… QRTH-PHYL… which is pronounced… qurth-phil?  Qrith-phile? […]

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Review: Organ Trail: Director’s Cut – Zombies and dysentery, a winning combination

In the 1800s, the western United States was settled thanks largely to the Oregon Trail, a journey countless have relived in the classic Oregon Trail video game. In Organ Trail: Director’s Cut, iOS users can take the next step as they embark on a similarly deadly journey westward towards a Safe Haven from a zombie apocalypse and the onslaught of […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 31 – Homefront

Dear Journal, Today I kicked some North Korean ass. Homefront is one of those games that is an awesome idea with mixed execution.  In a near future where North Korea has had a series of “lucky breaks” and the US has had a series of misfortunes resulting in a new super power and an occupied America.  You play as a […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 30 – Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes

Dear Journal, Today I found out that even Jedi Knights can be totally un-cool. Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes is a video game with three titles and only one camera angle. A mix between platforming and third person shooter, Republic Heroes never manages to really nail either one. The game takes place between the events of seasons […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 29 – Rogue Warrior – Just really f’n bad

Dear Journal, Today I played as a foul mouth Navy SEAL in a buggy mess of a game. Some games should just be left in the backlog, there have been a couple of those during Backlog Quest (such as this one, or this one), and sadly Rogue Warrior joins the party.  Based very loosely on former Navy SEAL Richard Marcinko, […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 26 – Rango – Don’t stop now, this is bat country!

Dear Journal, Today I was taken completely by surprise when I played a really good movie tie-in game. Rango takes places after the events of the movie with the same name, where the wandering chameleon turned town sheriff must investigate some very strange happenings.  Ultimately, Rango saves the town of Dirt and possibly the world from strange alien creatures in […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 25 – Driver: Renegade – Serious road rage

Dear Journal, Today I really let loose with the road rage. Driver: Renegade was released about the same time as Driver: San Francisco but it is not the mobile release equivalent.  Rather, the game takes place between the events of Driver and Driver 2, where John Tanner free from the restraints of being a cop, finds work cleaning up New […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 24 – Goldeneye 007 Reloaded – Reviewed not stirred

Dear Journal, Today I played a game, named after an old game, but really a remake of a remake. Confused?  You’re not the only one.  When Activision first announced that they were going to be bringing Goldeneye back fans went crazy with excitement. When they announced that the remake was going to be on the Wii and that it would […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 23 – Dreamworks Superstar Kartz – Mario Kart it is not

Dear Journal, Today a donkey beat me in a go-kart race. Dreamworks Superstar Kartz is yet another imitator in a long line of Mario Kart imitations.  Like the countless other kart racers before it, Superstar Kartz fails to ever really capture the same charm and all around fun gameplay as the Italian plumber-starring original. Relying heavily on the cast of […]

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