The Warped Shelf – The Cloverfield Franchise

With a direct sequel announced, and the Super Bowl in our rear-view mirror, we’re talking about the Cloverfield franchise. How they tie together, and if the anthology approached has worked.
Read moreWith a direct sequel announced, and the Super Bowl in our rear-view mirror, we’re talking about the Cloverfield franchise. How they tie together, and if the anthology approached has worked.
Read morePrometheus is by and large the greatest disappointment I’ve had this year at the movies. There was a metric ton of potential for it, with the cast the movie had in it, the crew it had behind it, and the money that had been poured into the production. What came of all that potential was one of the greatest-looking average films that […]
Read moreOften, this column tends to focus on moments, scenes, or sequences that serve as a capsule or summation of the larger themes presented in a particular film. However, there is something to be said of moments that stand out simply because they are beautiful, touching, or powerful all on their own. These are the moments that often take our breath […]
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