the warped shelf – Filthy & Casual

On a beefy casual episode, we talk about what we’ve read, watched, and played, and go deep on the latest Nintendo Direct. Episode #62
Read moreOn a beefy casual episode, we talk about what we’ve read, watched, and played, and go deep on the latest Nintendo Direct. Episode #62
Read moreWith a direct sequel announced, and the Super Bowl in our rear-view mirror, we’re talking about the Cloverfield franchise. How they tie together, and if the anthology approached has worked.
Read moreAs the HBO Max initiative continues, it gives us free rein to discuss new movies. Today is about the psychological thriller vehicle starring Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, and Jared Leto. How does it stack up? Episode #60
Read moreIt’s been a while since our last Batman discussion and Frank has jumped on the HBO Max train, so we’re talking about the former DC Universe Original, starring everyone’s favorite Timm and Dini creation. Episode #59
Read moreThe Warped Shelf – The Filthy and the Casual: Subtitle After a slew of holiday episodes and pre-determined topics, we’re doing the first laid back episode in a while. Metroid, HBO, Jump Force, the works.
Read moreThe latest film in the Pixar pantheon has been abuzz with conversation since its Christmas release, but what do we think about it? Turns out, there’s a lot of feelings. Episode #57
Read moreThe Warped Shelf – Star Wars Rebels As promised, we’re talking about Disney’s first animated series with the property. How does Rebels compare to Clone Wars, or anything else in the new canon? Find out. Episode #55
Read moreThe Warped Shelf – Tokyo Godfathers On this holiday episode, we tackle an overlooked gem that one of us has continued to praise as one of the best Christmas movies: Satoshi Kon’s Tokyo Godfathers. Episode #54 Video version –
Read moreJoin us for a discussion about the world’s most protective dog owner while it’s still a trilogy. Episode #52
Read moreHere’s another casual episode, where we talk about stuff like where Frank’s at in Digimon, what we’ve both been reading, and some more airplane movies Episode #51
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