The Warped Shelf – The Suicide Squad

James Gunn is back with a vengeance as he puts his stamp on the DCEU with a harder, grosser, bloodier sequel. Is it better than the first film? Well, yeah, but let’s talk about why. Episode #86
Read moreJames Gunn is back with a vengeance as he puts his stamp on the DCEU with a harder, grosser, bloodier sequel. Is it better than the first film? Well, yeah, but let’s talk about why. Episode #86
Read moreAfter much delay and a lot of hoops, we finally have the Black Widow film we asked for eight years ago. How do we feel about it in spite of its placement and unforeseen circumstances surrounding its release? Episode #85
Read moreWe’re three for three with the Disney+ MCU shows. How does Loki compare to the previous two series and what ripples does it cause for the universe as a whole? Episode #84
Read moreYou’ve heard us complain about them before, but have we done it with a guest? We go deep as to why these haven’t worked so far. Episode #83
Read moreBefore Avatar 2 comes out sometime in the next twenty years, we decided to look back at the man’s directorial filmography, and boy do we have things to say.
Read moreExorcist II is among other things, one of the strangest and most infamous sequels ever made. Thankfully we’re not talking about that one. We’re talking about the good Exorcist sequel. Yes, it exists. Episode #81
Read moreAfter skipping out on 2020, how does this year’s E3 fare? …Not the best, but there is plenty to discuss. Episode #80
Read moreIn a follow-up to our “How to Get Into Comics” episode, we’re focusing specifically on Batman today. Where to start, what you might like, and select runs.
Read moreIn our first casual episode in a bit, we’re talking Digimon, DC animated movies, Star Trek, and more.
Read moreEnough with all the joy and fun. Let’s talk about something meditative and sad. A somewhat overlooked anime film today. Episode #77
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