Pokemon Go Will Bring The Fire in September!
After a great couple months of comeback for Pokemon Go, September may be it’s best month in a very long time. There is a lot going on in Pokemon Go this month, so lets get to what’s going on in Pokemon Go in September.
If you aren’t familiar with the breakthrough box, the breakthrough box is a reward for completing 7 days of field research you receive from a Pokestop. On the 7th day, you will get a special box, which includes a set Pokemon for the month. For the month of September, the Pokemon is the legendary hound from Jouto, Entei. Along with the breakthrough box of September, some of the field research are going to fire themed to honor the legendary Pokemon, Entei.

Courtesy of PokemonGoHub.net
The big field research of the month of September is that Growlithe, for the first time ever, is available as a shiny Pokemon. Now, you can now catch Growlithe as a shiny in the wild going forward, but for higher probability, you want to complete the research.
This month also started off with a bang with the Safari Zone event that released another new shiny in Wingull, as a community, we unlocked the special raid event on September 8th, which will be Moltres Day. If you aren’t familiar with what this means, in basic terms, for 3 hours on September 8th, Moltres will return in raids and you will receive 5 free raid passes to catch the Moltres, if you defeat the raid. Also, for the first time, Shiny Moltres will be available in the game! Niantic is doing a great job keeping Pokemon Go interesting for fans in the last few month, and that’s not including the BIG BONUS that we do not know of as of this post.
On some other quick notes, from 9/3 – 9/10, the community across the globe unlocked special stardust rewards, which includes 1 hr Star Pieces, 3x Stardust, 3,000 Stardust guaranteed for raid completions, and 2x egg hatch Stardust.
Last, but not least, at the end of September, we will also be getting Chikorita Community Day. If you are not familiar with what a Pokemon Go community days is, for a set amount of time, which for September will be the 22nds, there will be a large amount of Chikorita’s spawning, as well as a higher change at getting a shiny Chikorita.
For more Pokemon Go news, stay tuned to Galaxy of Geek @galaxyofgeek or follow me on Twitter @BobbyBSmitty