iTuesday Review: Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for iPhone and iPad

One great thing I love about my iPhone is that it’s a place where old games can be reborn. There are plenty of classic games that have been rereleased for iOS. The biggest obstacle that these games face is the absence of a physical controller. For some games this works fine (I touched on a couple of these during my […]

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Underrated Game of the Month: Blur

Like lost toys, the half a pizza with pineapple and children on a field trip without a buddy, some video games simply get left behind.  Sometimes they were just released at the wrong time, eclipsed by a much bigger game or a surprise chart topper.  Sometimes they just had bad marketing, or too many misconceived ideas about the game spread […]

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10 Games You Have to Play Before The World Ends

Depending on who you believe you may have anywhere form only a few hours left to a dozen or so years before this thing we know as existence simply goes poof.  When facing Armageddon it is important to ensure that you have experienced as much as possible, that is why we bring to you this completely thrown together at the […]

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Review: Star Raiders

Atari continues the year of the classic remake (still working on a more clever title) with their latest old school game to get a modern make over; Star Raiders.  Much like their previous efforts, Yar’s Revenge, Star Raiders didn’t have a whole lot of source material in the 8 bit original to inspire the remake and this of course has […]

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In Depth: Death of the Arcade

Any gamer in their mid twenties or older remembers a time when much of your gaming was done in poorly lit rooms full of giant boxes that you would pump quarters into for a few moments of gaming excellence at a time.  These typically female free, and sometimes hygiene free zones may not have always been the nicest looking, but […]

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