Backlog Quest II – Sidequest: To the Moon – A Story Worth Experiencing

Dear Journal, Recently, I experienced one of the best stories in modern video games with a graphical style that brought me back to my childhood. When I say experienced, I mean it.  To the Moon is not so much a game as it is an experience.  In many ways, it’s the model interactive story adventure – heavy emphasis on narrative […]

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Review: Mutant Roadkill – Drive like a bat out of hell!

Buckle up and keep your hands and arms in the vehicle at all times! Mutant Roadkill, by Glu Mobile, as many will say is just another rip-off of Temple Run.  But seriously, how long ago was Sonic the HedgeHog around doing the same damn thing, but without being chased?  Temple Run is nothing new.  Just something new to our addictive […]

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XBLIG Uprising Preview: qrth-phyl. That’s not a typo, that’s the title.

It’s time for an uprising of the gaming variety!  Indie game fans and developers rejoice, for now is your time to RISE!  Can you hear the chanting?  Can you hear the cries?  Can you hear the Batman?  I’m kidding about that part… or am I? We here at CBR have set out to provide you with exclusive coverage of the […]

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