Backlog Quest II: Day 16 – Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (DS) – The (easily) forgotten version

Dear Journal, Today Clearance Bin Review turned two! It was two years ago today that I launched CBR and published our first review, The Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands.  By pure chance the opportunity to play the DS version of the game, which I knew to be notably different, came about last week and it seemed like a really […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 13 – Brave (NDS) – Gingers are people too!

Dear Journal, Today I learned that gingers are people too, just tiny, pixilated people. So we have a movie-tie-in game for a children’s movie on the DS here. Now, you’re saying to yourself that you shouldn’t expect much from it, after all, that is like the be-all end-all list of bad signs for a game going in. You’d be mostly […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 11 – Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion XL

Dear Journal, Today I found out that combining a bunch of things you like into one big thing doesn’t always make that big thing a thing you like. Let’s face it, there have been a number of Super Smash Brothers imitations over the years, all with various ways they try to attract gamers into buying in. Cartoon Network: Punch Time […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 10 – The Adventures of TinTin – TinTin is not the dog by the way

Dear Journal, Today I went on an adventure as a reporter who never really seemed to report anything… Odds are if you pay attention to the clearance section of just about any store that sells video games you’ve seen copies of The Adventures of TinTin pop up in its various platforms.  Ultimately the game is a platformer with a few […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 9 – Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir – Who you gonna’ call?

Dear Journal, Today I fought evil spirits with a camera. Spirit Camera is a game that could really only exist on the 3DS. Making use of the 3D camera, Spirit Camera is an Augmented Reality game that has you interacting with an AR book (The Cursed Memoir) and fighting spirits in the comfort of your own home. Though interesting, the […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 5 – WWE All Stars (3DS) – Decades of Spandex

Dear Journal, Today I wrestled Andre the Giant as The Rock. WWE All Stars combined comically over muscled versions of some of the WWE’s biggest stars (or WWF as it was called when many of them rose to fame), all together in one game. It’s sort of like Field of Dreams, only with a lot more spandex. Facing off against […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 0 – The Backlog Strikes Back

Dear Journal, I thought I had made progress, I thought the light at the end of the tunnel was starting to shine through, I thought the backlog was finally starting to wane. My last adventure into my backlog proved successful, and I felt confident that perhaps my foe would remain weakened and no longer prove a challenge that necessitated action. […]

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Dr. Geek: Disentangling Ourselves from the Web

I’ve joined the modern mobile world.  I took the plunge and bought a tablet.  I’d resisted buying a smartphone, mostly because I did not want to pay the exorbitant fees telecoms charge just to make owning a smartphone worthwhile.  I’d also have been deliberating for over a year what tablet to get.  I was interested last fall when Amazon announced the […]

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XBLIG Uprising Developer Interview: Ratchet Game Studio – developer of Pixel

As part of our ongoing coverage of the Indie Game Uprising III we asked Ratchet Game Studio to tell us a bit about themselves and their upcoming game, Pixel (read our PREVIEW of the game HERE).  Ratchet Game Studio was kind enough to take the time to tell us about  their studio’s game and their career as a developer.  The […]

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Review: Mutant Roadkill – Drive like a bat out of hell!

Buckle up and keep your hands and arms in the vehicle at all times! Mutant Roadkill, by Glu Mobile, as many will say is just another rip-off of Temple Run.  But seriously, how long ago was Sonic the HedgeHog around doing the same damn thing, but without being chased?  Temple Run is nothing new.  Just something new to our addictive […]

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