Dear Journal,
I thought I had made progress, I thought the light at the end of the tunnel was starting to shine through, I thought the backlog was finally starting to wane. My last adventure into my backlog proved successful, and I felt confident that perhaps my foe would remain weakened and no longer prove a challenge that necessitated action.
I was wrong.

Very wrong.

Very wrong indeed…

Not only has my backlog returned, it has actually gathered strength. The Backlog has struck back with vengeance (plus it takes up a lot of space). Perhaps like a rising tide little can be done to fight the forces at work here but for the sake of my shelves and my personal finances I must try. Again.
Just as before this journal will serve as a record of this quest to cleanse myself of my backlog. Hopefully it will be a record of my victory. Perhaps it will serve as a record of my madness as well.
Either way, the Backlog Quest begins once more.
Follow the quest below:

Day 1: Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2012 – Still hating big cats

Day 2: Blackwater – Why does this even exist?

Day 3: Asura’s Wrath – So much yelling…

Day 4: Star Wars Kinect – Use the force, sorta

Day 5: WWE All Stars – Decades of Spandex

Day 6 – Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal – Rabbit season

Day 7: Toy Story Mania – Licensed to disappoint

Day 8 – Syndicate – Literal corporate warfare

Day 9 – Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir – Who you gonna’ call?

Day 10 – The Adventures of TinTin – TinTin is not the dog by the way

Day 11 – Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion XL

Day 12 – MIB: Alien Crisis

Day 13 – Brave (NDS) – Gingers are people too!

Day 14 – Cabela’s Survival: Shadows of Katmai – Tomb Raider meets Buck Hunter

Day 16 – Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (DS) – The (easily) forgotten version

Day 17 – Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth – Assemble in front of the Kinect

Day 18 – Angry Birds Trilogy – Still angry

Day 19 – Ice Age: Continental Drift – Arctic Games – Unevolved

Day 20 – Medal of Honor: Warfighter – Don’t tread on me

Day 21 – Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion – 90’s kid at heart

Day 22 – Apache Air Assault – Black Hawk (Game) Down

Captain America: Super Soldier (NDS) – Light on the super

Day 24 – The Trash Pack – Appropriately named

Day 25 – Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends – Needs more testing

Day 26 – Thor: God of Thunder (NDS) – The definitive version

Day 27 – Top Gun: Hard Lock – Insert joke about the Danger Zone

Day 28 – Aliens: Infestation – Kills bugs dead

Day 28 – Kung Fu Panda 2 (Kinect) – Wax off

Day 30 – Asphalt 3D – Better than expected?

Day 31 – Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice – Ultimate backlog material

Check out the original Backlog Quest!
Tristan Rendo isn’t the only author of this site with a backlog. Backlog Quest II: Sidequest are reviews from other authors on the site attempting to also rid themselves of their backlog.
Follow the Sidequest below:

Sidequest 1: To The Moon – A Story Worth Experiencing by: Josh Campbell

Sidequest 2: Pokémon White 2 – Same as it ever was by: Steve Lesniewski

Sidequest 3: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine – Gears of War(hammer) by: Josh Campbell

Sidequest 4: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by: Steve Lesniewski