Backlog Quest II – Sidequest: Pokémon White 2 – Same as it ever was

Dear journal, I wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was. But I failed miserably. Sure, I caught a lot of them and trained them competitively and defeated the Elite Four, but I cannot catch 650 Pokémon in a reasonable amount of time. Pokémon White 2 was a completely new story – innovative ideas, exciting storyline and […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 0 – The Backlog Strikes Back

Dear Journal, I thought I had made progress, I thought the light at the end of the tunnel was starting to shine through, I thought the backlog was finally starting to wane. My last adventure into my backlog proved successful, and I felt confident that perhaps my foe would remain weakened and no longer prove a challenge that necessitated action. […]

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