First Impressions: Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!

Ad·ven·ture. Noun. Aimlessly plodding through eventless dungeon after eventless dungeon.

First Impressions is a close look at the crucial first hour spent with a game and its’ ability to draw you in or turn you away. Somewhere between a review and a preview. Ugh, the dirge of licensed titles. History has, unfortunately, shown us that no studio, no creator and no IP is exempt from half-hearted attempts to cash in […]

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Review: Mario and Luigi: Dream Team

Poor Luigi. Despite his lithe physique, vibrant green coveralls and a much better coifed mustache than his genetic counterpart, he was relegated to “little bro” status from the get-go. With Nintendo proclaiming 2013 the “Year of Luigi,” you’d think the guy would finally get a break (well, besides the phenomenal Luigi’s Mansion), but no matter how incredibly fun Mario & […]

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Backlog Quest II: Day 31 – Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice – Ultimate backlog material

Dear Journal, Today I finished Backlog Quest II by throwing myself into harm’s way to protect The President of the United States of America. I say that Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice is “ultimate backlog material” because it is that game you’ve probably see on the budget/value rack a dozen or so times and just never picked up. It never really […]

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Backlog Quest II – Sidequest: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Dear Journal, Today I journeyed to the land of Middle Earth. Although, it was not easy to get there. I had originally planned to play this on the Playstation 2, but after going through the fourth controller that did not work for some reason or another, I went ahead and found a copy for the Gamecube. I have had this […]

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