Review: Lollipop Chainsaw

Lollipop Chainsaw is Suda51’s newest game.  The lead heroine is high school cheerleader Juliet Starling.  It is her eighteenth birthday and there is a zombie outbreak at her school but that’s no problem, Juliet comes from a family of zombie hunters.  So not only does Juliet have her family to help her but her boyfriend Nick, who gets bitten by […]

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Backlog Quest: Day 0 – The Adventure Begins

Dear Journal, Today I realized I have a problem. How did this all begin anyway?  I suppose I have Cheap Ass Gamer to blame, at least in part.  At what point does a deal on a video game literally become so good that you can’t resist it?  Well, apparently, for me that point doesn’t take much. I mean, how did […]

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I survived a trip to L.A. and all I got was OH MY GOD E3!

  E3 is the dream conference in the eyes of a gamer.  In that magical land of sack boys and blue hedgehogs you’re treated to all of the upcoming games and consoles.  A lot of us have to experience it through the warm, comforting glow of a computer screen.  However, some fortunate souls get to step through the doors of […]

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In Depth: The 10 Ways Indie Developers Fail to Market Their Game

No matter what format, what system or what game you are developing for, there are certain things that can doom your game regardless of how good or bad it is from the start.  While this article is written with a focus on XBLIG’s, much of these apply to any indie game developer looking to make a dollar off of their […]

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Dr. Geek: The Indie World of Chicagoland

At the C2E2 extravaganza that was last weekend, there were panels on the game development industry in the Chicago area. These panels ostensibly had two roles: to let the con-goers know that yes, there is a game development industry still around in Chicago, and to discuss just what that industry currently looks like. What also emerged from the panels were […]

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Review: They Breathe – A Breath of Fresh Air

They Breathe is ultimately a game about swimming to the bottom of a mysterious body of water and avoiding the various obstacles that stand in your way.  That is seriously underselling it though.  In fact, They Breathe is hard to describe, not because the game is overly complicated or even atypical (though it is atypical), but because in giving away […]

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Review: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations — Ninjas are better in orange

Hi.  My name is Briana Lawrence and I — deep breath — am a Naruto fan.  Well, that’s not entirely true.  I’m more of a recovering addict.  My fangirl mind has become exhausted with the series and, recently, I haven’t felt the excitement I use to feel oh so many years ago back when Naruto was a wee little lad […]

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Hands on Preview: Confrontation (PC)

For those of you who love tactical RPG’s that combine the feeling of Diablo and Warhammer, your opus may have just arrived.  Confrontation, a tactical RPG developed by Cyanide Studios, brings you directly into the fantasy universe of Aarklash.  It is here that a fierce campaign is waged between the heroic Griffin faction, the insidious Scorpion faction, the ferocious Wolf […]

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