Games of the Last Decade Ranked – (Part 2)

Second verse, same as the first! It’s time to continue with our look back at the games that released in the last decade. As usual, if the game is on this list, it’s because it released sometime between January 1st, 2010 and December 31st, 2019, in addition to being a title that I have actually played. I apologize in advance […]

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Games of the Last Decade Ranked – (part 1)

The time has come to take a look back at the games that have released. But instead of just looking at 2019 releases, I thought today we could take a walk down memory lane and look back at the games that released over the last decade. Now I’d like to establish a few things. I realize that there was no […]

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Hollow Knight Available In Physical For Switch, PS4 and PC!

After a hiccup when Skybound Games was supposed to release a physical version of the game, now Fangamer will be releasing not only a traditional physical release of the popular indie game, Hollow Knight, but a very cool looking Collectors Edition will be available for the Switch, PS4 and PC. The PC version will be DRM-Free and Steam versions, while […]

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First Impressions: Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!

Ad·ven·ture. Noun. Aimlessly plodding through eventless dungeon after eventless dungeon.

First Impressions is a close look at the crucial first hour spent with a game and its’ ability to draw you in or turn you away. Somewhere between a review and a preview. Ugh, the dirge of licensed titles. History has, unfortunately, shown us that no studio, no creator and no IP is exempt from half-hearted attempts to cash in […]

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Review: Remember Me

Produced by Dontnod Studios and published by Capcom, Remember Me is an adrenaline-fueled action-adventure game set in a cyberpunk dystopia in which human memory has become commoditized and monopolized by a giant corporation called Memorize. You play as a talented rebel “memory hunter” named Nilin, who begins the game in prison with her memory removed. Under the guidance of a […]

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Indie Game Review: Don’t Starve (Steam/PC)

Pseudoscience tells us we are never more than three feet away from a spider. Sweet dreams!

“Don’t Starve,” independently developed by Klei Entertainment, is a quirky and surprising addition to the survival / horror genre. Eye-catching visuals and memorable atmosphere combine to turn “Don’t Starve” into a notable cult hit with a few surprises in store for curious gamers. The game opens with Wilson, a Gentleman Scientist, waking to find himself transported to a strange parallel […]

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Review: Aliens: Colonial Marines – We should know better by now…

There were some reasons to have hope for Aliens: Colonial Marines. Despite the fact that Sega’s name was attached to it, despite the fact that there hadn’t been a genuinely good first person Aliens game in years, despite the troubled development process… ok, so maybe there was only one real reason to be hopeful

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Backlog Quest II: Day 31 – Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice – Ultimate backlog material

Dear Journal, Today I finished Backlog Quest II by throwing myself into harm’s way to protect The President of the United States of America. I say that Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice is “ultimate backlog material” because it is that game you’ve probably see on the budget/value rack a dozen or so times and just never picked up. It never really […]

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