E3 2019 Highlights

It’s that time again for every gamer around the world: E3 2019 has arrived! With every studio and developer finally finished revealing all they have to offer us hungry consumers (for now), I thought it would be fun to recap some memorable moments from this year’s E3. Disclaimer: this is not a comprehensive list of everything that was announced. I […]

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[Replayability Review] Spier-Man PS4 – Something Old, Something New, Something… Sticky?

Initial Impression Hello, and welcome back to Galaxy of Geek for another Cade’s Arcade review, I’m Cade! Today, we’re gonna be talking about the Web-Slinger himself, Spider-Man! Spider-Man for the Playstation 4 has finally released! Last September… Yeah I’m a little late to this review, but better late than never? Released on September 7th, 2018, Insomniac’s Spider-Man was a highly […]

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Countdown to Avengers Endgame: Captain America: Civil War

Countdown to Avengers Endgame: Captain America: Civil War

Despite the massive roster of characters appearing in this film it is still ultimately Captain America’s story. Using the frame work of The Sokovia Accords and his relationship with Bucky/The Winter Soldier, Cap finds himself having to choose between doing what’s right and what’s legal as well as protecting a friend, even if the person he is protecting them from is also a friend. In typical Cap fashion he of course refuses the path of least resistance. […]

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