Andreas Heydeck Games finds games in life

What’s in a name? Shakespeare riddled off 154 numbers for his collection of sonnets. The Beatles’ second Capitol Records album was given the inventive name of The Beatles’ Second Album. Andreas Heydeck followed the same path, naming his studio, Andreas Heydeck Games, after himself. However, his games have much more inventive titles, including his newest one Smooth Operators – Call […]

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Indie Games Uprising III Review: QRTH-PHYL – What’s old is new again

The Indie Games Uprising III has begun. As a community, the developers of the XBLIG scene have banded together to unite under a common banner, to stand shoulder to shoulder and scream loud enough that even the most aloof gamer might hear them.  In that spirit, together, they have chosen to start by chanting… QRTH-PHYL… which is pronounced… qurth-phil?  Qrith-phile? […]

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XBLIG Uprising Developer Interview: Gristmill Studios – developer of XenoMiner

As part of our ongoing coverage of the Indie Game Uprising III we asked Gristmill Studios to tell us a bit about themselves and their upcoming game, XenoMiner (read our PREVIEW of the game HERE).  Gristmill Studios was kind enough to take the time to tell us about  their studio’s game and their career as a developer.  The full interview can […]

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XBLIG Uprising Developer Interview: Autotivity Entertainment – developer of Entropy

As part of our ongoing coverage of the Indie Game Uprising III we asked Autotivity Entertainment to tell us a bit about themselves and their upcoming game, Entropy (read our PREVIEW of the game HERE).  Autotivity Entertainment was kind enough to take the time to tell us about  their studio’s game and their career as a developer.  The full interview can […]

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XBLIG Uprising Developer Interview: Ratchet Game Studio – developer of Pixel

As part of our ongoing coverage of the Indie Game Uprising III we asked Ratchet Game Studio to tell us a bit about themselves and their upcoming game, Pixel (read our PREVIEW of the game HERE).  Ratchet Game Studio was kind enough to take the time to tell us about  their studio’s game and their career as a developer.  The […]

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XBLIG Uprising Developer Interview: hermitgames – developer of QRTH-PHYL

As part of our ongoing coverage of the Indie Game Uprising III CBR asked hermitgames to tell us a bit about themselves and their upcoming game, QRTH-PHYL (read our PREVIEW of the game HERE).  They were kind enough to take the time to tell us about their studio’s game and their career as a developer.  The full interview can be […]

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XBLIG Uprising Developer Interview: Andreas Heydeck Games – developer of Smooth Operators

As part of our ongoing coverage of the Indie Game Uprising III we asked Andreas Heydeck Games to tell us a bit about themselves and their upcoming game, Smooth Operators – Call Center Chaos (read our PREVIEW of the game HERE).  Andreas Heydeck Games was kind enough to take the time to tell us about their studio’s game and their […]

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XBLIG Uprising Developer Interview: Michael Arts – developer of Sententia

As part of our ongoing coverage of the Indie Game Uprising III we asked Michael Hicks to tell us a bit about his game Sententia (read our PREVIEW of the game HERE).  Michael was kind enough to take the time to tell us about his game and his career as a developer (in addition to the audio interview Dave Voyles […]

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Autotivity engineering a new gaming experience

Pubs are the birth place of lost nights, fights and stained shirts. Yet, Autotivity Entertainment Studios was also cradled in such an establishment. “It happened the first day of University,” said Alexander Gessler of when he met Jonas Grunert, two of Autotivity’s founding members. “I guess we found each other much more amazing than we are. Then we thought about […]

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