The Warped Shelf: Dragon Ball Reflection

“With Frank having recently experienced in the series in full, and Deshawn being a long-time veteran to the series, we talk about the Dragon Ball franchise as a whole.”
Read more“With Frank having recently experienced in the series in full, and Deshawn being a long-time veteran to the series, we talk about the Dragon Ball franchise as a whole.”
Read moreHere we are at last. The 20th Dragon Ball film. My thoughts on the films and specials leading up to this are documented in a retrospective you can read here. Dragon Ball Super: Broly is a theatrical venture directed by Tatsuya Nagamine (One Piece Film Z) with character design and animation direction provided by Naohiro Shintani, also among One Piece […]
Read moreIt seems we’ve come to the end of our little journey. Dragon Ball Super: Broly just hit U.S. theaters today, so expect my review by the end of the weekend. I’m looking forward to it immensely. For now though, let’s talk about the precursors to Dragon Ball’s revival as a modern property. We’ve got good and bad here, so let’s dive in […]
Read moreToei Animation seems to be pooling every available resource to make Dragon Ball Super: Broly the most action-packed, visually stunning film in the franchise to date, marking the 20th Dragon Ball film. I’ve been foaming at the mouth over the project since it was first announced, and it seems as good a time as any to look at the movies and TV specials […]
Read moreToei Animation seems to be pooling every available resource to make Dragon Ball Super: Broly the most action-packed, visually stunning film in the franchise to date, marking the 20th Dragon Ball film. I’ve been foaming at the mouth over the project since it was first announced, and it seems as good a time as any to look at the movies and TV specials […]
Read moreToei Animation seems to be pooling every available resource to make Dragon Ball Super: Broly the most action-packed, visually stunning film in the franchise to date, marking the 20th Dragon Ball film. I’ve been foaming at the mouth over the project since it was first announced, and it seems as good a time as any to look at the movies and TV specials […]
Read moreYou can read Part I here. Toei Animation seems to be pooling every available resource to make Dragon Ball Super: Broly the most action-packed, visually stunning film in the franchise to date, marking the 20th Dragon Ball film. I’ve been foaming at the mouth over the project since it was first announced, and it seems as good a time as any to look […]
Read moreToei Animation seems to be pooling every available resource to make Dragon Ball Super: Broly the most action-packed, visually stunning film in the franchise to date, marking the 20th Dragon Ball film. I’ve been foaming at the mouth over the project since it was first announced, and it seems as good a time as any to look at the movies […]
Read moreSword Art Online has dove into it’s 3rd season of the official main series with it’s biggest and most ambitious story arc’s in Alicization. So much is going to happen, and if the first 2 episodes are any clue to what this season has in store, we are on a long road of mystery and suspense. So let’s dive into […]
Read moreCan Netflix deliver a solid Godzilla movie with this anime adaptation?
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